Wednesday, July 9, 2008

DR-July 7, 2008

Subject: "Banana Slings"

Issue: Our office is in a downtown location and the scenery can be pretty interesting sometimes (to say the least.) We have parking - or atleast we pay for permits and sometimes people park in our spots anyway, but that is a rant for another day. I worked for a phone company for years and learned to back in almost everywhere I go. Across the parking lot we have some housing that is condo style, mostly older retired folks.

ONE of the tenants likes to tan. Just get the mental picture. HE likes to wear tini bikini bathing suits and from our vantage point we get to look up an incline and "enjoy" the view.

Yesterday as I was backing into my space he was inside his place in his tightie whities opening his blinds on his glass doors.

Response in my head: How do you spell the word that sounds like someone vomiting?

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