Wednesday, July 23, 2008

DR-July 23, 2008

Subject: Woman vs. Woman

Issue: I am a true believer that woman truly would RULE the world if they didn't cannibalize each other. I am always hearing stories about somebody at work or someone that was thought was a friend did some classic "stab in the back" type behavior. Most men settle arguments in parking lots or by just "having it out" with the person that did the deed or made the comment. They clear the air and move on.

Women don't do this. They stew about something, don't have all the facts or they platoon up with other petty friends talk about things that involve the "offender" and gossip about something totally irrelevant, but it makes THEM feel better about their smallness and they care less about the hurt they spread around - as long as THEY feel better - that is all that matters!

What I say in my head: Go For it Ladies, but leave me out of it. I am taking notes and want nothing to do with wasting my energy like this. And BTW, that is why we call you BITCHES!

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