Friday, September 12, 2008

DR-September 12, 2008

Subject: Middle of the night suicide thoughts- battles of Cathy Mitchell vs. Billy Mays.

Issue: It is bad enough when you wake up in the wee hours of the night and you cannot sleep, but to turn on the TV and find NOTHING but someone selling you the next way to make millions, or SPEND millions is really a drag. I MEAN EVERY channel! Opportunities for me are everywhere. I can buy a foreclosed property, clean out my colon, get rich with SMC, need a power wheelchair that I can get for free (FREE?) the list goes on and on. And seeing a sweaty Chuck Norris in his cut off T-shirt doesn't work for me either - incidentally.

Over the winter, I wrote on my MySpace page a nightly chronicle of the various crap that was FOR SALE channel by channel. People thought I was crazy, but am I?

BUT the BIG WEINERS in the annoying category goes to:
  • Cathy Mitchell and her GT Xpress 100 (I found out I wasn't the only person that found her annoying), I found a post from Paul Lucas on his blog that felt the same way! Do you really need an appliance to flip over a sandwich? Her website now says you can get one FREE with everyone you buy, so evidently not everyone does need one. AND the Lucille Ball hairdo has got to go along with the dragon press-on nails that are tacky not to mention unsanitary.

  • AND then there is Billy Mays, who will sell anything to anybody. AND it is the best thing he has EVER seen in his whole life. He has a shrieky, annoying voice that will elevate you off your chair if you mistakenly switch to his channel while he sells Oxi-Clean, Handy Switch, Orange-Glo and who knows what else. If you must, go to this blog where you can see how "believing in him" can set you back some serious dough! And can all that stuff he sells be THAT earth shattering, THAT good? I think it is the paycheck that he likes most of all.
What I say in my head: The scary thing is some people must be responding because they wouldn't be on TV night after night if they weren't making money.

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