Tuesday, August 26, 2008

DR-August 26, 2008

Subject: Is everything ALL about YOU ALL the time?

: There are 100,00+ people in a place at a Festival and YOU choose NOT to notice! Certainly there are so many distractions, we all succumb to the heat and the energy of the moment. Random "braking" is one that is forgivable - what I mean is you are walking along and the person or group of people in front of you stops dead in their tracks because they are walking by a music tent and they are overcome with interest they stop walking and you do everything but pile into them. Usually a sheepish shrug from the person happens and an "I'm Sorry" reminds you that you probably did that earlier or WILL do it later in the day. So yes, it is okay to be lost in all of it and apologizing for it is the recognition that others are occupying the world with you - Thanks for that.

Here are things that are NOT OK. Here are 5 things that should allow us to publicly flog you, because you are are NOT playing well with others!
  1. Bringing dogs to the festival. It is not only against the rules of our festival, it is abusive to the animal. We all know your dog is cute, but we do not need to see you dragging the poor thing in the heat by a string where all he can see are knees and ankles getting shoved around absorbing the heat from the ground that you don't feel.
  2. NOT donating to the festival. The American Folk Festival is free to attend. People have the opportunity to hear many bands all for free. None of us could afford to go to all those concerts. But throwing a 10 or a 20 dollar bill would be a great thing. The City (that means the taxpayer), 850 volunteers and countless of other business donations make this happen. NEWSFLASH - It is NOT FREE to put on. It is NOT FREE to get bands here, it is NOT FREE to set up and clean up and the list goes on. Put a few bucks in the bucket and be thankful we have a wonderful Festival Staff that knows how BEST to make the least amount of money work for the most of our enjoyment.
  3. Lawn Chairs ARE NOT weapons-but they may as well be. Please be aware that you have them. We all carry them over our shoulders and they are easy to forget, BUT they can poke some kids eye out .
  4. That stroller is NOT a snowplow. I think this is the newest weapon in the war on terror at any festival or crowd situation. "It isn't ME that is pushing you out of the way (in a crowd where no on can move-by the way), it is the STROLLER whacking at your ankles. You turn around ready to say "EXCUSE ME!" and there you are looking down at some sweet kid that is the rider in this TANK stroller, meanwhile Mommy is looking to the left and plowing away!
  5. You are sitting in the audience in front of the stage - the music is playing and you are getting into it, some other people - those that decide to PARK themselves - STANDING IN FRONT of you and talk to their friends or they are texting on their cell phones. Now you are looking at their butts and not the stage. SWEET!
What I say in my head: When you get all these people in one place, you're bound to see it all and you cannot let the wonder of the event ruin it for you. Note to self: Take a moment and do something nice - but mostly put money in the bucket!

1 comment:

philcheychandler said...

Hey! Hey! Texting is an important part of life! BTW - If anyone if sending more than 20 messages a month, you really should have a texting package on your wireless account! See me at CMW in the Broadway Shopping Center! HAHA!!! Shameless selling by ME!!!!