Tuesday, February 3, 2009

DR-February 3. 2009

Issue: Our Government certainly knows how to gather information from us, by tapping phones, poising cameras in places no one knows about, etc. but they are so provincial when it comes to THEIR information...excuse me, we paid for it, it is OURS! Isn't this all in the name of protecting Americans?

The Spy Factory
- I came home from teaching tonight to watch the only thing that was worth my time to watch. If I could give you an exact link I would, only the MPBN website has some pathetic pop-up and I cannot pass it on to you.

We all expect for our tax dollars that we get certain things. Here in lies the thesis of the story. The idea that we (the American public) doesn't REQUIRE these agencies to TALK to each other and collaborate in order to PROTECT us is truly a mystery to me.

What I say in my head - what is the deal that NSA/CIA/FBI dont share information because of their egos? We lost 3000 + people, in the World Trade Center who really is to blame?

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