Tuesday, June 24, 2008

DR-June 24, 2008

Subject: "Environmentalists" & "Environmentalism"

Issue: People that drive over the speed limit on the highway or accelerate quickly and complain about gas prices.

Response in my head: "HELLO?" What part of the initials MPG dont you understand? Do you think they stand for Moron Per Gallon?

Issue: A Prius blew by me in the passing lane on 95 the way to work the other day, the chick looked over at me and gave me a glare. As she passed me I noticed that she tossed a butt out the window.

Response in my head: "Look little sister, #1 - you are littering, #2 - you're polluting the earth with your cigarette smoke #3 - owning a Prius doesnt make you a good person, in fact in my book it makes YOU a bigger hypocrite!

Issue: Watching the Daily Buzz news show. News Flash !! Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth - dont keep the water running as you brush.

Response in my head: OBVIOUSLY you have been living in a world where water is unlimited - and by the way, it isnt, live in the country on a well and learn that it isnt. DONT WASTE on brushing your teeth, taking a 30 minute shower - nothing like that. And Remember, "If it is YELLOW, let it MELLOW, if it is BROWN flush it DOWN!"

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