Wednesday, June 25, 2008

DR-June 25, 2008

Subject: Committees, Boards and Basic GIVEAWAY time

Issue: You're sitting around a Board Room table, same faces. Go to a subcommittee meeting, same faces. The list of members is a mile long. the table is not THAT crowded.

Response in my head: This is volunteerism, to do good things and make a difference in the community. If you dont plan to participate, then dont say YES, when asked. On any board there are several thousands of dollars sitting around a table trying to solve problems and use their resources to make things happen. What makes YOU think you are so important that your time is any less valuable than the total value of the attendance at that table?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

DR-June 24, 2008

Subject: "Environmentalists" & "Environmentalism"

Issue: People that drive over the speed limit on the highway or accelerate quickly and complain about gas prices.

Response in my head: "HELLO?" What part of the initials MPG dont you understand? Do you think they stand for Moron Per Gallon?

Issue: A Prius blew by me in the passing lane on 95 the way to work the other day, the chick looked over at me and gave me a glare. As she passed me I noticed that she tossed a butt out the window.

Response in my head: "Look little sister, #1 - you are littering, #2 - you're polluting the earth with your cigarette smoke #3 - owning a Prius doesnt make you a good person, in fact in my book it makes YOU a bigger hypocrite!

Issue: Watching the Daily Buzz news show. News Flash !! Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth - dont keep the water running as you brush.

Response in my head: OBVIOUSLY you have been living in a world where water is unlimited - and by the way, it isnt, live in the country on a well and learn that it isnt. DONT WASTE on brushing your teeth, taking a 30 minute shower - nothing like that. And Remember, "If it is YELLOW, let it MELLOW, if it is BROWN flush it DOWN!"

Monday, June 23, 2008

DR-June 23,2008

Several things hit me today and I figured before I went postal I would blog about it and maybe vent without having the ignorant people that cause me the pissed off attitude WOULD have give me a blank stare... HELLO?

Here is a beginning of my Rant List:

Subject: Being a self centered, selfish person, with people you spend 1/3 of your life with - your office mates.

Issue: People that DO NOT pick up their dishes in the office when they are left in common areas, like the conference room-like where we meet people that PAY us and keep the doors open. These areas need to be neat. This means coffee cups, plates, napkins, whatever you use, if YOU dont pick it up and drag it 10 feet to the kitchen and rinse it, guess what?

Response in my head: "Do you think it WALKS there by itself, asshole?"

Issue: People who allow their leftovers to become science experiments in the office fridge, then "someone else" gets to clean out the fridge and take the stenchbag to the dumpster.

Response in my head: "Oh, I guess you are a lot more important than I am, so I have all kinds of time to clean the office fridge and throw away that scary bean thing that is growing hair on it--and DONT for one second think I am not throwing it away - container and all!"

Issue: Because we have challenges with people pitching in, we have a TRASH LIST posted on the wall, I didnt suggest it, others did and created and posted it - every 10 weeks or so, each one of us has to take the trash out. Certainly we all forget. Some of us forget EVERY TIME.

Response in my head: "Great, I will do yours your week and mine the next. I get to do it TWICE or TWICE the trash if I wait till Friday -I WIN!"

Issue: How about the dishes? Somebody years ago started making signs, like "THINK YOUR MOTHER WORKS IN THIS PLACE? OR YOUR MOTHER DOESNT WORK HERE, CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF!" So this isnt a new problem and chances are people have seen that sign in their life time at least once.

Response in my head: For 50th time this month - I am in the office the LEAST and clean up after YOU the most- YOU SUCK!

Ta Ta for Now!