Wednesday, January 28, 2009

DR-January 28, 2009

Subject: "Look out for that TRUCK!"

Issue: PEDESTRIANS, crosswalks, snowbanks & cell phones!

In Maine we have a law like many other states that Pedestrians in crosswalks have the right of way. In my city (Bangor), we have a downtown that has a few roads that are particularly hazardous with people just walking across the road aimlessly. Let's pick on Harlow Street for example, the post office, the federal courthouse, the library and a "pay to park" lot all in about a block.

Many times folks appear out of no where, not on a crosswalk, sneaking out between 2 SUV's so you don't see them until they are RIGHT in front of you. Most of us try to avoid the street all together, but sometimes you just cannot. And now we have snowbanks on other streets that are creating, what Justin in my office refers to as "snowbank peek-a-boo" on top of it all.

Monday I was crawling through there and this guy wanders out into the street, with his cell phone up to his ear into the path of a truck - I don't know how he didn't get hit. The driver jammed on his breaks and hit the horn.

Guess what happened then? YEP! The pedestrian flipped the driver off!

What I say in my head: