Thursday, November 20, 2008

DR-November 20, 2008

Subject: "I don't have time to play on the computer ALL day?"

Issue: People claim to not have time to try social media.

I am never sure why or what context that makes people say "I am not good with computers..." or "I cannot do myspace, twitter, Linked-In it's a waste of time "or whatever software it is they haven't even tried.

Have they REALLY tried? Have they bothered? One of the reasons people use these things is so you can learn new ways to communicate with people. Learn new technology and oh, btw it is FREE. No pay out to learn and have others help you learn.

I come from an era where learning something new almost always comes with pain. You fall off your bike, you fall down on skis, your math teacher makes the class boring, you get the drill. But this can be fun and I know what you are saying, "Then I cannot be learning."

If you are in business today, we all need to know how to communicate differently and the further out in the countryside your business is, the more vital learning these tools.

People don't bother to make the phone call to visit. And hell, if they call you at work, "telemarketers" get hung up on and sales people get voice mail. The daily newspapers get thinner and thinner - so you know that NOBODY is reading them.

But when politicians have myspace, Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as have debates on YOU TUBE, what the HELL do you think THAT means?

You reach people, maybe?

I had a myspace party at my office last Fall and we had a great time! I am learning to use these tools myself. I had a couple friends (was actually about 10) that came over that wanted to learn. And I had a wonderful friend who is brought someone that KNEW what they were doing, and we put it on the flat screen monitor and LEARNED about it.

From that little workshop most all have active Facebook & Linked In accounts. They found those things work for them. Some are participating in blogs and some have blogs. So we did make some headway!

What I say in my head: In this economy, do you want to make ANY money? Reach out to new business? AND btw it isnt "PLAYING" it is about your business it is WORKING!